
Over the past few years, we have had the honor of receiving various awards and recognitions related to entrepreneurship, values, sustainability, and communication, among others.
In all those moments and in our daily lives, we always think, decide, and act in the way we believe nature would think, decide, and act if we weren't here.
Country life has taught us to care, share, and love. Therefore, it is a pleasure for us to live in a space that aims to bring happiness to the people who come to spend a day, a night, or a season near us.
In all those moments and in our daily lives, we always think, decide, and act in the way we believe nature would think, decide, and act if we weren't here.
Country life has taught us to care, share, and love. Therefore, it is a pleasure for us to live in a space that aims to bring happiness to the people who come to spend a day, a night, or a season near us.
Now and always, thank you. Life is made of moments.
These are some of the moments and awards received:

ReThink Hotels
The Re Think Hotel Contest was created in 2014 by the Habitat Futura Group and the digital platform TSMEDIA. Its aim is to promote and encourage the application of sustainability and rehabilitation criteria in hotels through the annual recognition of the best sustainable hotel projects. It is open to both large hotel chains and small hotels.
The contest seeks to highlight the benefits of sustainability in the tourism and hotel sector and, for this reason, it is based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Premis Europarc
The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas (ECST) is an initiative by the EUROPARC Federation aimed at promoting sustainable tourism development in Europe's protected natural areas.
The ECST is a method and a voluntary commitment to applying the principles of sustainable tourism, guiding protected area managers and businesses in defining their strategies through a participatory approach.

Terres Travel Awards Festival Internacional
Our festival aims to showcase productions that inspire the magic of travel —especially the discovery of natural environments— and promote sustainable development.
With terres LAB, we seek to explore the most innovative trends in the audiovisual representation of travel experiences.
The festival takes place in Tortosa, the most populated city in the Terres de l’Ebre region. Thirty-five percent of this region is protected under two natural parks: the Ebro Delta and Els Ports. Its natural heritage is safeguarded by the UNESCO BIOSPHERE RESERVE designation.
Filmsnòmades is a production company based in the Terres de l’Ebre. Since 2008, we have produced more than 50 documentaries, commercials, and promotional films for regions and cities.
With terres LAB, we seek to explore the most innovative trends in the audiovisual representation of travel experiences.
The festival takes place in Tortosa, the most populated city in the Terres de l’Ebre region. Thirty-five percent of this region is protected under two natural parks: the Ebro Delta and Els Ports. Its natural heritage is safeguarded by the UNESCO BIOSPHERE RESERVE designation.
Filmsnòmades is a production company based in the Terres de l’Ebre. Since 2008, we have produced more than 50 documentaries, commercials, and promotional films for regions and cities.

Terres Festival Checkin
A category that rewards audiovisual proposals from organizations in the tourism sector, clearly highlighting the importance of people in helping fulfill tourists' "dreams" while enjoying unforgettable experiences.

Award G! Special Jordi Comas i Matamala for Ecoturisme Can Buch for its sustainable and self-sufficient accommodation project in Sant Aniol de Finestres. It is a high-quality inland tourism proposal focused on health and based on energy and food sovereignty, aiming to share and raise awareness among visitors to Garrotxa.

Climent Guitart Award from the Tourism Board
The Entrepreneurship Award for Costa Brava – Pirineu de Girona recognized the establishment Can Buch, in Sant Aniol de Finestres, Garrotxa. It is a hotel with sustainable and ecological values, 100% self-sufficient, offering a quality proposal based on energy and food sovereignty. The award was received by Can Buch's owner, Gerard Bofill.
HOLDED Documentary
At just 21 years old, Gerard Bofill was on his way to becoming the next Piqué, but his body had other plans. A tumor in his tibia forced him to rethink his life.
This led him to connect with nature and eventually start his own business: a 100% self-sufficient farmhouse.
Holded TV is an audiovisual project by Holded, created with the aim of showcasing extraordinary stories featuring local entrepreneurs.
You can watch all episodes at https://www.holded.com/es/tv.
This led him to connect with nature and eventually start his own business: a 100% self-sufficient farmhouse.
Holded TV is an audiovisual project by Holded, created with the aim of showcasing extraordinary stories featuring local entrepreneurs.
You can watch all episodes at https://www.holded.com/es/tv.

Cover of the ECOHabitar Magazine
With over twenty-five years of rehabilitating traditional architecture in the Girona region, I believe it makes more and more sense to propose some of its virtues to face sustainability challenges.
The farmhouse is the primary unit of the traditional rural landscape of my country. Current regulations focus on formal issues and use restrictions, as if it were about legislating the complex urban land. I have always believed that what we should value about traditional architecture is a lesson in software, not hardware. In other words, it is more useful to recover the metabolism that generated it than the material remains that have survived.
The farmhouse is the primary unit of the traditional rural landscape of my country. Current regulations focus on formal issues and use restrictions, as if it were about legislating the complex urban land. I have always believed that what we should value about traditional architecture is a lesson in software, not hardware. In other words, it is more useful to recover the metabolism that generated it than the material remains that have survived.