Sant Aniol de Finestres is a small town full of charms, where everything related to nature stands out. Immersed in a natural environment of first line delights us with corners and charming places that will make us disconnect from our hectic day to day.
Here are some of the places of interest in Sant Aniol de Finestres:
- Remains of the Castle of Finestres that we find at 950 meters high between Sant Antoni and Santa Pau. Building surrounded by cliffs and small dimensions.
- We also highlight in Sant Aniol the churches of Sant Miquel de Bustins, the church of Sant Julià de la Melca, the church of Sant Joan de Medes and the church of Santa Maria de Finestres.
- On the other hand, also in the municipality of Sant Aniol find the site of Roc de la Melca, a large block of rock that was once used as a place to live by a small group.
Already in the municipality of Sant Esteve de Llémena we highlight 4 points of interest:
- The church of Sant Esteve, which is located about 500 meters from the village and where restoration and conservation works are currently underway.
- The hermitage of Sant Cebrià where every year a popular climb is held to place a flag on a mound near the hermitage.
- The chapel of Bell-Lloc de Llémena dedicated to the Mother of God and with architectural elements of interest such as the bell tower, the access door or the roof on both sides.
- The bridge of the church of Sant Esteve built in 1885 and that connects with the road to Girona and has been recently restored.
And finally, in the small town of La Barroca we highlight:
- The small and ancient church of Sant Andreu de La Barroca which was built in the seventeenth century and is located on the border between La Vall de Llémena and La Vall de Hóstoles.
- The sanctuary of Santa Lena of Romanesque origin and that a few years ago was rehabilitated throughout its interior.
- The hermitage of Sant Roc: from this place of interest you can have excellent views of Girona, Rocacorba and the Empordà.
We have tried to list and give a few hints of these places of interest in Sant Aniol de Finestres, however, we leave this website for you to visit where you can go into more detail about each of them: